My Dream House
Show &.Tell Contest / SLP
Hello everyone! My name is Jane Lee.
Today I would like to tell you about my dream house.
I want my house to be black and I want to have five rooms.
I want a secret magic box in my living room, and a special pretty room, too.
There will be one bed room for my parents and another one for me.
My bedroom must have a laptop where I can play games. It would also be nice to have a smart phone in my room.
I want to have a pet dog, so there needs to be a place for them in my house, too.
I want my dream house to be a fancy place where my family and I can live happily.
5 rms
secret magic box
special pretty room
lap top
games / roblox
smart phone
a white small dog
제작기간/ppt day
1. 구성
스케치: 아이디어/ 구도 /사이즈
소재: b4/ 색상
표현: 화살표/ 강조
컨셉: 로블록스/ 마인크래프트 /픽셀
2. 자료수집
Canva / google / drawing
3. 재료 준비
하드보드지 핑크
4. 제작
5. 프레젠테이션
'미술' 카테고리의 다른 글
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