ㆍWith the recent emegence of arificial intelligence, translationi has become an integral part of the communicative landscape in the personal and academic lives of many people.
ㆍEarly MT studies viewed MT as sources or errors, particularly lexico-grammatical errors that required correctioins through post-editing.
ㆍThe use of an assessed independent study project on MT evaluation in a language teaching course in which students were asked to describe the type of evaluation they focused on during the MT output.
ㆍMore recent studies have been conducted to examine the possibility of using MT as a reference tool for L2 writing.
ㆍThe learners indicated the lowest ability to correct verb tense errors, which was significantly lower than their ability to correct mistranslation errors and word order errors. The result indicate that the learners required a higher level of lingustic knowledge to correct verb tense errors, in comparison to that needed for correcting mistranslation and word order errors.
ㆍThe corrections made for the errors in the MT output indicated that the learners were successful in correcting around 60% of the errors. The results indicated that mistranslated sentence and verb tense errors are the most problematic for the learners. To correct mistranslated sentences, the learners needed to understand the context in which the target sentence was embedded by going beyond the unit of the immediate sentence that was erronesous.