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이순범 왜 무엇을 어떻게

by mubnoos 2021. 8. 12.



WHY 왜 사는가?

삶의 목적은 살아가는 것 그 자체이다.

  • 삶의 목적은 행복이 아니라, 삶 그 자체이다.
  • 살기 위해서 산다.
  • 삶은 살아 있는 상태이다.
  • 삶은 유한한 시간이다.






WHAT 살기 위해서 무엇을 할 것인가?


삶은 움직이는 것이다. 

움직임은 에너지를 필요로 한다. 

에너지는 1) 몸, 2) 돈, 3) 지식 



1) 운동하고 (Being)

2) 책을 읽고 (Text)

3) 돈을 번다 (Numbers)

& + a 









HOW 원하는 것들을 어떻게 할 것인가?




1) 운동하고 2) 책을 읽고 3) 돈을 번다



  • Plan- Do - Check -Act
  • 내가 틀렸을 수도 있다.
  • 답은 A or B 가 아니다. AB이거나 C다.
  • 모든 것은 무작위이며 확실히 알 수 없다.
  • 운이 모든 것을 결정한다.
  • Life is Not a marathon, but a dance.
  • 삶은 저항이다.
  • Good or Good & Good







TOTAL: 168 Hours

  1. MOVE: 11 (6.5%)
  2. WORK: 60 (36%)
  3. LEARN: 25 (15%)
  4. SLEEP: 35 (21%)
  5. PROJECT: 12 (7%)
  6. FAMILY: 25 (15%)

Mission : ‘FAIL, LINK & PROOF‘ -> MONEY



1. MOVE: 11 (6.5%)

  • Main Task
    1) Move Efficiently
    2) Support Productivity by Multitasking
  • Sub Task
    1) To work: Smile by intention / English Podcast
    2) From work: Youtube for Learning like books & Economy



2. WORK: 60 (36%)

  • Main task
    1) Focus on the job
    2) Maximize performance through efficiency
    3) Attain the organizational goal
  • Sub Task: Expansion to the potential and sustainability



3. LEARN: 25 (15%)

  • Main task: Digitize the learning
    1) Reading books: Extensive reading is not the best way. It's the ONLY way.
    2) Studying English
    3) Playing guitar
  • Sub Task: Idea for PJs,



4.SLEEP: 35 (21%)

  • Main Task: Sound Sleep
  • Sub Task: Meditation / Reading / podcast



5.PROJECT: 12 (7%)

  • Main Task
    1) Make SSD Profitable
    2) Room for creativity
  • Sub Task: Make it Profitable & Sustainable for the New Era


6. FAMILY: 25 (15%)

  • Main task
    On Saturday, Clean up the house & work for home
    On Sunday, Time with Jane to provide a various experiences
    (Don’t anything except for family.)
  • Sub Task: Seek for the sustainable program for Jane



1 year is of 48 times of a wk. 1 year is 8,760 hrs, which is 168 hrs * 53 wks. You don’t have much time for your goal, the time will go faster.

Think scientifically, Do the math, Measure it for the outcomes.
Be a arithmetical millionaire by the algorithm





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